The WWW Virtual Library
This is a distributed subject catalogue. See Category Subtree, Library of Congress Classification (Experimental), Top Ten most popular Fields (Experimental), Statistics (Experimental), and Index.
See also arrangement by service
type ., and other subject catalogues
of network information .
Mail to maintainers of the specified
subject or
to add pointers to this list, or
if you would like to contribute to
administration of a subject area.
See also how to put your data on
the web, and what's new in
Asian Studies
and Social Sciences.
All items starting with
are NEW! (or newly maintained). New this month:
- Aboriginal Studies
- This document keeps track of leading information facilities in the field of Australian Aboriginal studies as well as the Indigenous Peoples studies.
- Aeronautics and Aeronautical Engineering
- Aeronomy, Solar-Terrestrial Physics and Chemistry
- African Studies
- Agriculture
- Animal health, wellbeing, and rights
- Anthropology
- Applied Linguistics
- Archaeology
- See also European Archaeology
- Architecture
- Art
- Asian Studies
- Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Autos
- Aviation
- Beer & Brewing
- Bio Sciences
- Biotechnology
- Pharmaceutical development, genetic engineering, medical device
development, and related fields.
- Broadcasters
- Cartography
- Ceramics
- Chemistry
- Coal
- Cognitive Science
- Collecting
- Commercial Services
- Communications
- Community Networks
- Complex Systems
- Computing
- See also Tcl and Tk, Visual Languages and Visual Programming, Java Programming Language, and
Mobile and Wireless Computing
- Conferences
- See also High Energy Physics
; Hypertext, networking and IR
Meteorology Conference Calendar
; Computational Chemistry, including also conferences
devoted to General Chemistry, Chemical Physics, and Computational
and Symbolic Mathematics.
; technology/engineering
sciences related conferences
- Cross-Connection Control/Backflow Prevention
- Cryptography, PGP, and Your Privacy
- Crystallography
- Applications in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Earth Sciences, Molecular Biology, Materials Science and Physics.
- Culture
- Dance
- Demography & Population Studies
- Design
- Covering Fashion, Graphic, Environmental, Industrial and Interaction design.
- Developmental Biology
- Drosophila (fruit fly)
- Earth Science
- Education
- Electronic Journals
- Energy
- This list covers energy policy, sources, distribution, generation, and transmission. It also includes alternative and renewable energy sources, including energy efficiency.
- Engineering
- (with many sub-lists).
- Environment
- Epidemiology
- Finance
- Fish
- Forestry
- Furniture & Interior Design
- Games
- Gardening
- Geography
- Geophysics
- German Subject Catalogue
- This document covers German resources of the Virtual Library
- Gold
- Hazards and Risk
- History
- See also History of Science, Technology & Medicine
- Human Computer Interaction
- Humanities
- India
- Indigenous Studies
- Information Quality
- Development and administration of high quality factual/scholarly networked
information systems.
- Information Sciences
- Bibliometrics, Scientometrics & Informetrics, Competitive Intelligence & Technology Watch and Awarness
- International Affairs
- International Development Co-operation
- We would especially like to invite those people who are from developing countries to participate in developing this site towards a truly global one.
- International Security
- Security and defense studies, peace and conflict research, and international relations
- Ireland
- Italian General Subject Tree
- This document covers Italian resources of the Virtual Library
- Journalism
- covers Broadcasting, Communications, Media and News
- Landscape Architecture
- Languages
- Latin American Studies
- Law
- Libraries
- Lighthouses, Lightships & Lifesaving Stations
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Logistics
- Supply, transportation, distribution, maintenance, manufacturing, management, reliability, mathematics, business, quality
- Mathematics
- Medicine
- Medieval Studies
- Men's Issues
- Meteorology
- Middle East Studies
- Migration and Ethnic Relations
- Museums
- Music
- Mycology (Fungi)
- Naval and Maritime
- Neurobiology
- Non-Profit Organizations
- Charitable Organizations
- Schools
- Community Centres
- Medical Organizations
- Nursing
- Oceanography
- Pacific Studies
- Leading information facilities in the field of Pacific studies.
- Paranormal Phenomena - Archive X
- Ghost Encounters - Angel Encounters - Channeling Submissions - Cinema/Television
- Pharmacy (Medicine)
- Philosophy
- provide an overview of the various Internet resources related to Philosophy.
- Physics
- Physiology and Biophysics
- Political Science
- Directed at Political Science researchers
- Politics and Economics
- Publishers
- Recipes
- The Recipes Folder
- Recreation
- Religion
- See also Buddhist Studies
- Remote Sensing
- Remote Sensing is a topic which processes remotely sensed images of the
earth, i.e. digital image data obtained from satellites or aeroplanes.
Remote Sensing techniques are mostly used for estimation and monitoring of
earth resources and map making.
- Retailing
- The management of resources to supply the product and service needs of the end-consumer,
encompassing the supply chain of any physical products and the exchange processes
- Roadkill
- This field includes anything on the web related to roadkill - serious or not, tasteful or otherwise
- Russian and East European Studies
- Social Sciences
- Sociology
- Spirituality
- Sport
- Standards and Standardization Bodies
- Statistics
- Sumeria
- Files on alternative science, suppressed and neglected medical ideas, plus areas for politics, fiction, animal
issues, and anything else that seems like a good idea at the time.
- Sustainable Development
- Technology Transfer
- Telecommunications
- Theatre and Drama
- Professional, academic and recreational resources.
- Tibetan Studies
- Transportation
- Treasure
- Treasure hunting - Gold Mining - Gold Panning - Metal Detecting - Prospecting
- U.S. Federal Government Agencies
- Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs)
- United Nations and other international organisations
- US Government Information Sources
- Vision Science
- Whale Watching Web
- Wine
- Wine, Wine Growing & Wine Making
- World-Wide Web Development
- Writers' Resources On The Web
- Yeasts
- Zoos
Other virtual libraries
Arthur Secret ( - About the WWW VL project
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